Friday, August 26, 2011

Earrings and Ice Cream

Emma Grace finally filled up her sticker chart, after working on it for SEVERAL weeks. She was working toward getting her ears pierced, which she has been asking about since she turned two. The day had finally come and she was so excited.

She was such a big girl!

Listening as the girl was explaining what would happen.

There were a couple of tears, but they dried up quickly when she looked in the mirror!

All done! She was too excited to sit still and focus on the camera!

Ice cream with sissy to celebrate!

One proud little girl!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of School, First Day of School!

Natalie was such a big girl on her first day of school! She woke up without too much complaining and happily ate her breakfast and prepared her backpack. Emma Grace was a bit confused as she starts on Tuesday and really wanted to go with her sister today. I told her we had a special project to work on while sissy was at school and this calmed her down for a while. Natalie hopped out of the car and waved goodbye as if she knew just what to do. It was at that moment, Emma Grace burst into tears exclaiming she did not want to leave her sister and that she needed her. I was doing fine until that point! Luckily she calmed down when I told her we were going to bake a cake together and surprise sissy.

First day of Kindergarten

Working on our "special project", a cake for sissy

She took great care to place each letter.

Happy girl after informing us she had an "excellent first day of school"!

Thank you hug for the surprise cake!

Tuesday morning was Emma Grace's first official day of preschool and Todd and I had prepared ourselves for the tears and screaming that we were certain would take place. Boy, were we surprised! There wasn't even the slightest hint of a tear or apprehension. She climbed out of her seat, gave me a kiss, and followed her sister into the building. Todd reminded me after a moment of complete shock that I needed to put the car in drive, as I was holding up the car line. Oh the things we worry about!

First day of 3 Year Old Preschool

Mrs. Inman said Emma Grace had a wonderful first day! I mean how bad can it be if you leave with your favorite lollipop in hand! She was all smiles and told me she was ready to go back tomorrow! (even though she only goes Tuesday/Thursday!)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

'Twas the Night Before School Started...

I have to say the last week has been interesting for me. I have stayed busy trying to make the most of the girls' last week of summer, all the while, reassuring the girls about the exciting road ahead of them. One night, I sat thinking about how fast the time had passed. Natalie is starting Kindergarten and I feel as though it was only a few short years ago, I was 5 months pregnant with her and decorating my own classroom. This time of year always brings back the memories of preparing for a new school year. I loved decorating my classroom, bringing out the new supplies, creating lesson plans. The year was new..fresh...full of possibilities. I always looked forward to meeting the kids I would be spending all day with over the next  year.  This year, it was a different feeling though. It was new and unfamiliar. This time, I faced the start of a new school year, not as a student (been there, done that), not as a teacher (check), but as a mommy. Usually I have the plans I am going over with the parents. I was the one that reassured the parents and children that this was, in fact, goingto be a "fantastic year". Friday, I walked through the doors of Trinity with nervous excitement, looking for those understanding smiles from teachers and faculty that this was, in fact, going to be a "fantastic year"!

 It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord prepares our hearts and walks with us each step of the way. He has taught me and reminded me of His love and promises this week, all through prayerfully seeking His guidance in preparing the girls for this change. Change can be a little scary, but God uses it to prove over and over His faithfulness to each of us! I pray that God will continue to grow my heart and that I may be a source of His love for my little girls as start this "fantastic new school year"!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Meet the Teacher!

It's finally here! Meet the teacher day! The girls were very ready to meet their teachers! Emma Grace had met Mrs. Inman at the end of May during our school tour, but Natalie was looking forward to meeting Mrs. Miller. She had been hanging on to her postcard for nearly a week, reading it everyday!

It was a family event! We started first with Natalie's class. She found her desk and was pleased to find her buddy, Carter, was seated right beside her!

Talking with and meeting Mrs. Miller

Natalie and Mrs. Miller
After meeting with Mrs. Miller, we said goodbye to Natalie while we went to an assembly with Mrs. Randolph. Next it was Emma Grace's turn to see Mrs. Inman and find her classroom. She was a little unsure at first, but then started playing and cried when we told her it was time to go! We are glad that Emma Grace has a friend, Lydia, in her class just as Natalie and Carter are in the same class.

"As good of a smile as you are going to get right now Mommy!"

Emma Grace and Mrs. Inman
Sweet Friends
Carter, Natalie, Emma Grace, and Emma

After we were done, Daddy suggested we all go have lunch to celebrate the exciting day. The girls chose RockBack Pizza and we had a fun lunch with each other, talking about the start of school, new friends, and their classrooms!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Take Your Daughters to Work

With the girls beginning school on Friday, Todd decided to take them to work for a couple of hours and show them around the office. Natalie has done this twice before, but this was Emma Grace's first time! She was so excited to be a "big girl" and go to work with Daddy. Mommy enjoyed a few hours of quiet and then I drove Grandmommy and Granny up to have lunch with Todd. This was also Granny's first time visiting Chick-fil-A's corporate headquarters. Needless to say, she was quite impressed with Truett's car collection and the grounds, as well as the delicious lunch! Emma Grace was worn out and fell asleep twice that afternoon when we got home!

24 weeks

This pregnancy seems to be flying by! I am not sure if it is because I am so much busier with two or have just felt so great this time I am actually able to stay busy! Whatever the reason, I feel so blessed and thankful. This sweet little baby will be here before we know it and I cannot wait to introduce her to her big sisters.

How far along? 24 weeks

How big is baby?  About 13 inches long and weighs in at one and a half pounds!

Maternity clothes?  Ummm, yeah...for a while now. I believe Todd ventured into the attic at around 8 weeks to retrieve the tote full of those fashionable maternity clothes.

Sleep?  Well, this baby is definately preparing me for nightly feeding times. I usually wake up every 2-2.5 hours and the sleep I do get doesn't seem to be very sound sleep. BUT it is so worth it! :-)

Movement? I first felt flutters around 14/15 weeks. These flutters turned into full on kicks shortly there after. Now I think we might have a little soccer star on our hands. This little baby moves much more than her sisters did!

Food Cravings?  I want steak, salad, rich pastas with heavy sauces, and periogees! This week I have wanted ice cream with fresh peaches.

Gender? Our third little princess

Name? Kimber Elizabeth Hall

Special moment of the week? Emma was sitting on the couch with me and felt Kimber kicking. She looked at me and giggled. She then got very  close to my belly and said "Kimber, you settle down in there! We shouldn't kick, that's not kind!"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Little Ballerinas

I can hardly believe Natalie is starting her third year of ballet! She will be in her second year of ballet and tap combo class with Ms. Deelana. Emma Grace is so excited to finally be starting her own class and has been talking about it all summer. She will also have Ms. Deelana for her Creative Movement class. She is so proud to be just like her big sister!
Emma Grace- 3 years old

Natalie- 5 years old

Listening carefully to Ms. Deelana's instructions

She followed directions very well!

Natalie's turn!

She was excited to find out there are two girls from her very first class with her again this year!

Time for tap

Emma was trying to tell her sister what a great job she was doing through the window! Natalie was all smiles!

Playing with a new friend!

I am looking forward to watching the girls grow and learn this year with Ms. Deelana. She is great with the girls and they had a wonderful first day!