Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of School, First Day of School!

Natalie was such a big girl on her first day of school! She woke up without too much complaining and happily ate her breakfast and prepared her backpack. Emma Grace was a bit confused as she starts on Tuesday and really wanted to go with her sister today. I told her we had a special project to work on while sissy was at school and this calmed her down for a while. Natalie hopped out of the car and waved goodbye as if she knew just what to do. It was at that moment, Emma Grace burst into tears exclaiming she did not want to leave her sister and that she needed her. I was doing fine until that point! Luckily she calmed down when I told her we were going to bake a cake together and surprise sissy.

First day of Kindergarten

Working on our "special project", a cake for sissy

She took great care to place each letter.

Happy girl after informing us she had an "excellent first day of school"!

Thank you hug for the surprise cake!

Tuesday morning was Emma Grace's first official day of preschool and Todd and I had prepared ourselves for the tears and screaming that we were certain would take place. Boy, were we surprised! There wasn't even the slightest hint of a tear or apprehension. She climbed out of her seat, gave me a kiss, and followed her sister into the building. Todd reminded me after a moment of complete shock that I needed to put the car in drive, as I was holding up the car line. Oh the things we worry about!

First day of 3 Year Old Preschool

Mrs. Inman said Emma Grace had a wonderful first day! I mean how bad can it be if you leave with your favorite lollipop in hand! She was all smiles and told me she was ready to go back tomorrow! (even though she only goes Tuesday/Thursday!)

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